Tuesday, April 24, 2007

First Entry

The name of this blog just came to me. Actually, it was whined to me by my oldest. As he expected, I told him that I do not know what's for dinner.

Yes, I know that I should make a list on Sunday and buy my groceries accordingly. I know that I should have each week's menus all ready to go (ideally, they'd be laminated and alphabetized). I know that each meal should: include all of the food groups, feature complex carbohydrates to prevent high glycemic index, and let's not forget the importance of fiber!

But alas, I didn't and I don't know what's for dinner.

Having dinner plans somewhat planned out for the week is a comforting feeling. Not knowing what to slap on the table tonight is a sinking, boring feeling. I am bored with thinking about dinner.

I plan well some days. Just yesterday, I knew what we were having. I had made beef chili (no beans) on Sunday so that we could eat it on Monday. That was great! Tonight? Not so great. Hmmm... No meat is defrosted, not enough eggs for the entire family, blah, blah, blah. Tune in to see what I scrap together.

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