Friday, June 29, 2007

The Joys of Summer Food

Yesterday was a day of eating well for me. For lunch, I was inspired to eat a lunch like Oprah. On one of her shows that I caught recently, she mentioned that she eats turkey sandwiches on Wasa crisps. These crisps are curiously satisfying, crunchy, and only 60 calories each. Her sandwich also had cheese, but I chose to stick with: a couple slices of Boar's Head buffalo turkey, Romaine lettuce, tomato and horseradish mustard. It was delicious! May I recommend the "light rye" flavor of the Wasa crisps. Here's a link to Wasa's site:
For dinner, I steamed some of the vegetables that I bought at the farm stand the other day. Somehow the timing worked out well, and each veggie was the perfect tenderness. It also helps that the veggies were so fresh. I put about 2 inches of water in the bottom of a medium saucepan. When it came to a boil, I added the zucchini and summer squash first. On top of the squash, I layered broccoli florets and red peppers. I threw the cover on and let it boil and steam for about 8 minutes. All they needed was a little salt and pepper.
Of course I didn't just eat vegetables for dinner. I also had a sandwich with tuna on whole wheat. My husband and son had baseball practice.

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